Use these Mock Exams that I’ve personally created to help you prepare and pass your CAPM Exam.Alvin the PM’s Exam Simulator Package > CLICK HERE to grab your copy of my Exam Simulator.It not only features a Daily Question of the Day, but also allows you to choose how many questions to practice at any given time. Since it’s an app on your phone, you can practice a quick set of questions anytime you have downtime at work, when you’re running errands, waiting in line at the groceries, or right in the morning/night before you go to bed.By far, this was one of the MOST USEFUL tools I used on a daily basis to get exam-prep ready, and that I used to pass my own CAPM Exam! It has a total of 800 practice questions which helped me really master the fundamentals and hone in on the Knowledge Areas, Process Groups, and ITTOs I struggled with on the CAPM Exam.To download this, search for PocketPrep CAPM Exam on your mobile app store.